Donate Securities or Mutual Funds

Make an Impactful gift to IFA with your Securities or Mutual Funds. Donating stocks, bonds, and mutual funds to IFA is easy and secure through the CanadaHelps website.

There are no capital gains taxes on securities donated through CanadaHelps, allowing you to give more and get more.


  1. Click the “Donate Securities or Mutual Funds” button found above or click here.

  2. Complete the online securities donation form by providing details about your securities or mutual funds donation.

  3. Using the information provided, CanadaHelps will automatically produce a “Letter of Direction” which the donor then downloads.

  4. The donor completes the letter of direction and sends it to their financial advisor or investment firm, authorizing the transfer of shares to CanadaHelps.

  5. CanadaHelps sells the shares the day it is received and the proceeds of the sale are disbursed to the charities/nonprofits you selected. A detailed confirmation email and tax receipt are emailed to you.

How can I donate securities or mutual funds?